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IT Support Engineers – UK based permanent position

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IT Support Engineers – UK based permanent position
Basic salary up to 45000 pounds per year plus benefits!!!
Our client is an award winning privately owned organisation providing business critical IT services including Cloud, Voice Services and Connectivity. They are currently seeking Support Engineers who have experience working with Virtualisation products and server support in a helpdesk or managed services environment.
Successful candidates will provide helpdesk and remote desktop support, acting as the primary point of contact for all technical issues.
The role includes:
- Responding to incoming calls, ensuring accurate logging and call resolution priorities are met.
- Escalating issues within the Service Desk team to ensure maximum levels of customer satisfaction.
- Troubleshooting customer technical faults and work with external vendors/service providers to achieve fault resolution.
- Working as a team to deliver timely resolutions to customer requests received via telephone, email and automated monitoring.
- Maintaining professional working relationships with customers, suppliers and work colleagues.
You will need:
-Experience in technical support, including Windows Servers, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Active Directory, Desktop, Microsoft SQL Server 2000–2014.
- Experience in managing/troubleshooting VMWare and/or Virtualisation technologies.
- Working knowledge of Networking (DNS, DHCP) and Storage (SAN, NAS)
- Candidates will ideally be MCP, MCSA or VCP certified.
- Experience of building servers would be an ad čítať ďalej
CenaV texte
InzerentBlu Global
Typ inzerentaFirma
KontaktPoslať email
Telefón+441 543 460 213
KategórieIT a telekomunikácie
Vytvorené04.01.2017 14:01
Platné doPlatný neobmedzene
Aktualizované04.01.2017, 14:01
Číslo inzerátu48955
Aktualizované: 04.01.2017, Editovať, Vytlačiť , Porovnať, Nahlásiť chybu

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