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Industrial Automation PLC to MQTT Protocol Conversion IoT Gateway

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Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 is a rugged industrial IoT gateway, especially suitable for industrial IoT, for realizing IT and OT integration, OT and cloud platform communication.
Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 used to convert Modbus, Modbus TCP, DLT645, PLC, BACnet MS/TP, BACnet/IP and other industrial protocols to MQTT, OPC UA, BACnet/IP, Modbus TCP and other protocols.Support BLRMS (also known as BLIIOT RMS) and can facilitate remote upgrades of software versions as well as device management.
Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 provides 1 WAN, 1 LAN, 1 RS232, 3 RS485, 1 CAN interfaces, and also supports 4G wireless communication and GPS positioning functions.
Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 has built-in multiple mainstream cloud engines, including AWS IoT, Thingsboard, SparkplugB, Aliyun, Huawei IoT, BLIIOT , etc., which can quickly access multiple cloud platforms at the same time.
Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 also provides OPENVPN to ensure network security, supports TLS, SSL, X509 root certificate for data encryption functions, in addition, it also has the function of data reissue to ensure data integrity.
In a word, the Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 can meet your needs for various industrial IoT applications.

Dôvod inzerovania : Brána IIoT, Brána Modbus, Brána MQTT, Brána OPC UA, Brána AWS

Cena180 € + Dohodou
InzerentBLIIoT Technology Co., Ltd.
2F, A2 Building, Fuhai Information Port, Xinhe Community, Fuhai Street, Baoan, Shenzhen, China
Typ inzerentaFirma
KontaktPoslať email
Telefón+867 552 945 183 6
Vytvorené26.06.2023 11:43
Platné doPlatný neobmedzene
Aktualizované26.06.2023, 11:49
Číslo inzerátu66390
Aktualizované: 26.06.2023, Editovať, Vytlačiť , Porovnať, Nahlásiť chybu

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