|  Slovensky Anglicky

I am seling 2 neighboring furnished studios

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I am seling 2  neighboring furnished studios
I am selling 2 neighboring and completely furnished studios, each is 48 m2 , first line of Black Sea , on Atliman Beach, in the apartment complex “Princess Residence Hotel”. They are located on the on the 4th floor of the building and have breathtaking view towards the sea. Each of them has a bathroom with toilet, kitchenette , a big room and a terrace. The studios are available for separate purchase. They can be joined together in order to become a 96 m2 apartment.

Dôvod inzerovania : rodinne dovody

Cena38 000 €
InzerentZhivko Karakolev
Bulharsko Kiten ul Koral N4 Bulharsko  Kiten ul Koral N4 i-am-seling-2-neighboring-furnished-studios
Typ inzerentaObčan
KontaktPoslať email
Telefón+359 888 611 103
Vytvorené09.11.2015 09:28
Platné doPlatný neobmedzene
Aktualizované09.11.2015, 09:28
Číslo inzerátu43572
Počet izieb1 izbové byty
Úžitková plocha [m²]48
Aktualizované: 09.11.2015, Editovať, Vytlačiť , Porovnať, Nahlásiť chybu

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